Vinyl cut out
Yeah! they are my boys. Both my boys recognized themselves after I applied the sticker on their door. It is hilarious to watch while they were looking at their own face on their door for the first time. My younger son told me that it is the brothers’ room, it’s Chase’s and Ryan’s bedroom. “That’s right, it’s brothers’ room.” I said and smiled.
I got this idea from class for using image trace by Illustrator. After I came back home, I tried to find some pictures for doing the image trace. “Why not my boys’ face?” I asked myself. So I started digging in those picture of their lovely faces. I found the light could be the issue to do this kind of effect, I applied all pictures with posterize in Photoshop and adjusted to level 2, in order to see the pictures in black and white enough for me to see the figures. Finally, I got some pictures that I could use for the next step. Then I went to Illustrator to do image trace, the result isn’t good enough to do the cut out, so I improved some area until I felt they were good enough to do the cut out.
Originally, I made this for my two boys, the result came out pretty good, this design looks just like a logo for a company.