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jQuery Photo Gallery

The web page is a Galleria photo gallery. Galleria is a JavaScript image gallery framework that simplifies the process of creating beautiful image galleries for the web and mobile devices. I like it very simple to manage the content, I think I will use it again for other photo gallery website.

Still life digital painting

For the first time, I painted a still life on the computer. It was interesting to switch brushes between sizes ,shapes and opacity. I like the fact that it is not messy compare with using real paint. There were a lot of blending during the process, and it’s a cool experience to do this painting. The final artwork actually looks like a really brush painting artwork and I like it.

Thematic Text with interactive HTML5 Slider

Thematic text images -Click to HTML5 page

Thematic text images – finished Click to HTML5 page

It’s a  a thematic text I made, I used Leopard-Coat-Fur texture to do this fur-themed text effect. I have never known it can be so easy to make a text effect like this until I learned this tutorial. I like the texture I found and the extreme simple brushes polished the edges have made the texture more naturalistic.


Cover artwork for SLAM.

Student Literary Arts Magazine cover artwork and one color Folio.

Student Literary Arts Magazine cover artwork and one color Folio.


Here are my two Student Literary Arts Magazine cover artworks and one color Folios. I picked two artworks that I created in Art101 and Art 201 classes. Then I used the skills that I learned in Photography, Photoshop and llustrator classes to put the artworks together. I am pretty happy about what I have made so far, it is a blessing to have my own creation on the book cover.

A web page using Photoshop and Dreamweaver

A web page using Photoshop and Dreamweaver


I made a Dog Ville shopping web page using Photoshop slicing tool to seperate images into several areas, and exported them all to Dreamwaver to put together. In this way, I can handle most of the designs in Photoshop. I like the images that I made, the colors turned out really bright and the dog is very vivid behind the cardboard. I love the way it turned out really well.

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